Thursday, July 9, 2009

C++ programming?

Given the line:

a += ++a + a++;

What is the correct translation of the given code line?

a) a = a + a;

a = a + 1;

a = a + a;

b) a = a + 1;

a = a + a + a;

a = a + 1;

c) a = a + 1 + 1;

a = a + a + a;

d) a = a;

a = a + 1;

a = a + 1;

a = a;

C++ programming?
the answer is B

first the pre-increment (++a) is applied which can also be written


then the expression is evaluated as

a += a+a

which can be written

a = a + a + a

lastly, the post-increment is performed, which can be written

a = a + 1

Just remember that ++ or -- before the variable is pre, and is evaluated before the expression. ++ or -- after the variable means it is a post, and is evaluated after the expression. Also, a particular variable can only have one value at a time, so it will never have different values in the same expression.

For example: say x=1...

x = ++x + x

will be

x = 2 + 2

and NOT

x = 2 + 1
Reply:The real answer is "none of the above, or possibly any of the above". Do a Google search for "sequence points", and you'll find that that code does not have a well--defined meaning in standard C or C++.

That probably won't get you any points on your homework, but perhaps your instructor will learn something :-)

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