Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C programming problem?

write a program that takes a line at a time and reverses the words of the lines.

ex. input: i am confused

output: confused am i

the data should contain one blank between each word.

any idea on how to solve this problem?

please give some ideas... how to solve this in c programming language...?

C programming problem?
ur program is bit difficult and is not so easy as it seems. what u got as first answer is incorrect since it will print only reverse charcater of ur answer. i.e. this is me gives em si siht which is not what u wanted. i have tried to write a program but the program has some bug and it is not giving what i wanted. i have done the following

1. count the no of blank spaces in string. this will give u the number of words in sentece say no_blank.

2. then create a array that stores the location of blank spaces in the sentence int array[].

3. using that array u then copy the word between two blank spaces from back.

// !! RAM !!



char* returnreverse( char a[] )


int no=1;

for( int i=0;i%26lt;strlen(a);i++)


if( a[i] == ' ')



char *words = new char [no];

int r=0;

for( int j=0;j%26lt;strlen(a);j++)


if( a[j] == ' ' )


words[r] = j;




words[r]= strlen(a-1);

char *rev= new char[strlen(


int m=0;

for( int h=r;h%26gt;= 0;h--)


// copy the words from a[words[h-1] ] to a[words[h-1]] in rev

for(int s= words[h-1];s%26lt;words[h];s++)


rev[m] = a[s];



rev[m]=' ';



return rev;




char s[100];

printf("\n\n\tEnter a string : ");


printf("ur reverse string is");

printf( returnreverse(s) );


return 0;


Reply:#include %26lt;string.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

int main() {

char s[1000];

int i;

int len=0;

while (1) {

printf("\n\n\tEnter a string : ");



for(i=0;s[i];i++) {





for(i=len-1; s[i], i%26gt;=0; i--)



return 0;

Reply:first you should save every particular character of that string in another array meaning you have to declare a new array and put the first character in the last index and so on.... you should use some string methods to be able to get the length of the string. I remembered that It might be "string.length" or something like that.

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